Wrapping up the project

Finished polonaise

Flickr album (photos courtesy of Blanca Amores)

References used:

• Moda. La coleccion del instituto de la moda de Kyoto. Varios. Ed. Taschen
• The cut of women’s clothes, 1600-1930. Nora Waugh. Ed. Faber and Faber
• Corsets and Crinolines. Nora Waugh. Ed. Taylor & Francis Ltd
• Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Fashion in Detail. Avril Hart, Susan North. Ed. V&A Publishing
• Patterns of fashion: v.1. Janet Arnold. Ed. Pan Macmillan

• IMATEX. Centre de documentacio i museo textil. (http://imatex.cdmt.es/)
o Jubon Ref:11531
o Cotilla Ref:11882
o Cotilla Ref:11883
o Cotilla Ref:11884
o Jubon Ref:11530
• Catalogo Museo del Traje CIPE. http://museodeltraje.mcu.es/
o Polonesa Inv. CE000592
o Polonesa Inv. MT000905

• Isis Wardrobe: polonaise pattern scan:  http://isiswardrobe.blogspot.com/2009/09/18th-century-curiousity.html
• Your Wardrobe Unlocked (subscription only):
– c.1775 Dress: The Bodice. Serena Dyer: http://yourwardrobeunlockd.com/component/content/article/412-c1775-dress-the-bodice
-Setting in 18th century sleeves. Katherine Caron-Creig: http://yourwardrobeunlockd.com/component/content/article/377-setting-in-18th-century-sleeves-by-katherine-caron-greig

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