The beginning of the end

Front of the polonaise

Very little work left!

I’ve had a lot of problems with the front closure. I can’t use pins, so I tried hooks and  eyes; it didn’t work. Finally, after much thinking I did it the period way, but instead of ribbon, I used embroidery thread to tie it closed. It was easy and it looks a lot better 🙂 Lining wasn’t so problematic as when I try to bagline something, 18th century lining techniques were more «intuitive», and with them I didn’t have any problem figuring out how to do the sleeves, that are the next I’ll be working on.

2 comentarios en “The beginning of the end

    • Ya está acabado, aunque estoy esperando a poder hacer unas fotos bonitas para enseñarlo entero. 🙂
      La verdad es que para mí no es tanto trabajo, porque estoy acostumbrada a hacer las cosas en pequeño. Casi me da más problemas coser para persona, ¡me pierdo entre tanta tela! XD

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